ELT celebrated its 40th aniversary

Tuesday, 3 March, 2015
Last march, ELT celebrated the 40th anniversary of its founding by Mr Francisco Artero, Ms Pilar Morte and Mr Eduardo Gracia.

It's been 40 years since ELT began producing the first magnetic ballasts and transformers for the lighting industry, with just 7 employees in the factory.

While maintaining the initial roots of the company, today's workforce is formed by a team of 176 people working to bring the latest lighting technology to almost 100 countries around the world.

ELT´s innovative nature has allowed taking the leap into electronic technology to provide efficient LED solutions that enable large energy savings and help promoting sustainability.

With a turnover of 40 M € and an investment of almost 7 M € in the last five years, ELT has become the leading manufacturer of the Spanish market and one of the manufacturers with greatest presence in Europe.

This situation is the result of a commitment to R + D, an extraordinary effort in productivity and quality, and an exporter character that comes from the first years of life. Aspects of which both the founders and the owners of the company always have been very proud of.

To celebrate this milestone and all the achievements so far, a series of activities are scheduled to do during 2015. Meanwhile, we can just thank the dedication of all shareholders who have been part of this family throughout these 40 years, without whom none of this would have been possible.

Happy anniversary to all!


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