ELT launches its new General Catalogue with a new renovated image

Saturday, 1 February, 2014
ELT - Especialidades Luminotécnicas S.A., the only company that offers design, production and sales of lighting components for LED, FLUO, HID and HALO lamps to the professional lighting sector, launches its new general catalogue 2014 with a totally renewed image.

ELT, conscious of the change that has suffered the lighting sector, has adapted the image of its catalogue to be to the forefront of the sector and to facilitate the search of solutions among the offered lighting options. To do so, besides a new design based on the possibilities that offers the LED technology, this catalogue contains new data that may interest all users:

  • Data table to find the most suitable electronic ballast for fluorescent lamps.
  • Data table to find the most suitable control gear for eLED LINE range modules.
  • Option to have all details about packaging, weight and pallet conditioning of ELT products.
  • Option to search for the articles in the alphabetical index..

In addition to these improvements, the 2014 edition of this catalogue incorporate the following developments, results of the vision and continuous effort of the R&D department:

  • Highly luminous efficient eLED LINE modules (125Lm/W); LED technology based lighting to work at low voltages thus achieving low heating rates.
  • Constant current LC drivers to complement the eLED LINE modules. Available in 10, 16, 25, 60 or 90W versions and different formats.
  • HID. Electronic ballasts for IP20 rated 20 to 150W discharge lamps (MH). Indoor applications.
  • BE-MH-SMI. Electronic ballasts with power control for discharge lamps (HPS and MH). Outdoor applications.
  • FLUO DALI. DALI dimmable electronic ballasts for T5, T8 and TCL fluorescent lamps.

For further information on the new catalogue, please contact the ELT Marketing Department at 00 34 976 573 660 or email: marketing@elt.es



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