Privacy policy

Pursuant to Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPD in its Spanish acronym) and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, you are hereby informed that the personal data you provide by means of the web page will be processed in a confidential manner and will become part of files that are owned by and the responsibility of:



CIF: A-50.032.572.

Pol. Malpica, c/E, no. 11 - E-50016  Zaragoza.

Tel.: +34 976 573 660 Fax: +34 976 574 960


The categories of data that will be processed by ELT ESPECIALIDADES LUMINOTÉCNICAS, S.A.U., are data for identification purposes only. In no event will special categories of personal data be processed in the sense of article 9 of the General Regulation on Data Protection. Such data is that provided by the User.


Your personal data will be used by ELT ESPECIALIDADES LUMINOTÉCNICAS, S.A.U., for the following purposes:

  • Management and control of the User registration and of any applications, subscriptions or other contracts that the User enters into via the Website, in accordance with the terms and conditions applicable in each case and those provided for in this policy.
  • Management and control of the advertising preferences indicated by the User on registration that may be modified at any time thereafter.
  • Improvements to the website, as well as the remittance, via traditional and/or electronic means, of commercial and advertising information regarding the products and services offered by companies belonging to the business group.
  • Notwithstanding the above, at certain times, the form used to gather data for specific services may notify you as regards a purpose different to that indicated in the previous sections, which is why we request that you review our legal texts prior to concluding any process involving the subscription to or the contracting of products or services. 


Your personal data shall be stored for no longer than necessary for the purposes of its processing and, in any event, up until the User requests its removal.


As regards the legitimacy of the data processing, two scenarios are identified:

  • If the processing of personal data takes place for the purpose of providing you with the requested services, in this case, the legal basis shall be the contract.
  • If the processing of personal data takes place for the purpose of sending you notifications relating to news and products, as well as to respond to your applications or requests, in this case, the legal basis for the processing will be the consent expressly given by the User.


ELT ESPECIALIDADES LUMINOTÉCNICAS, S.A.U., informs you that you may exercise your rights to access, modification, cancellation, limitation to the processing, transfer or opposition by sending an email to or by writing to ELT ESPECIALIDADES LUMINOTÉCNICAS, S.A.U. (Ref. Protección de Datos, Data Protection) at Polígono Malpica, c/E, no. 11 - E-50016 Zaragoza (Spain) enclosing a photocopy of your National ID Document.


Similarly, if you believe that the processing of your personal data does not respect regulations or your privacy rights, you are hereby informed of your right to submit any claim you consider appropriate to the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos, the Spanish Data Protection Agency.


The User has the right to withdraw their consent at any time. You are hereby expressly advised that the failure to complete the fields indicated as mandatory that appear on any electronic registration form, may result in ELT ESPECIALIDADES LUMINOTÉCNICAS, S.A.U., not being able to attend to your request.


For the purposes indicated in the above paragraph, ELT ESPECIALIDADES LUMINOTÉCNICAS, S.A.U., advises that it has installed cookies in its systems. Cookies are small text files that store the browser in the hard drive of your computer. When you navigate through the web page, the server of ELT ESPECIALIDADES LUMINOTÉCNICAS, S.A.U., may recognise the cookie and provide information about your latest visit. Most browsers automatically accept the use of cookies, however you may configure your browser in order to receive on-screen notifications about receiving cookies and prevent them from being installed on your hard drive. For more information about cookies, please refer to our Cookies Policy.


The User guarantees that the personal data provided to ELT ESPECIALIDADES LUMINOTÉCNICAS, S.A.U., is accurate and that they are responsible for notifying any modification to the same. The User has sole responsibility for any direct or indirect damage that may be caused to ELT ESPECIALIDADES LUMINOTÉCNICAS, S.A.U., or to any third party as a result of completing forms with false, inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date information. The User must not enter the personal data of third parties without their prior informed consent as established in this privacy policy, given they are the only party responsible for its inclusion.


ELT ESPECIALIDADES LUMINOTÉCNICAS, S.A.U., has adopted the necessary measures to prevent the unauthorised alteration, loss, processing or access of the personal data, in line with the current state of the technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which it is exposed, whether due to human action or physical or natural conditions. Notwithstanding the above, the User should be aware that Internet security measures are not infallible.


ELT ESPECIALIDADES LUMINOTÉCNICAS, S.A.U., reserves the right to modify its privacy policy in accordance with its own criteria, or due to a legislative or legal change, or due to business practice. If ELT ESPECIALIDADES LUMINOTÉCNICAS, S.A.U., introduces any modification, the new text will be published on this same website, where the User is informed about the current data privacy policy of ELT ESPECIALIDADES LUMINOTÉCNICAS, S.A.U. In any event, the relationship with users shall be governed by the rules in force at the time the website is accessed. You are recommended to print or download a copy of this privacy policy for possible future consultations as well as to safeguard your rights.

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