
Quality and certifications

The satisfaction of needs and the overcoming of the customer’s expectations, the reliability and the compliance of legal and regulated requirements lead us to the new model of excellence.

Quality assurance:

ELT, from their foundation, has taken into account the basic principles of the management of the Quality Systems. For that reason, the development of the action’s principles based on rules of reference has been, and currently, an internal requirement focused on increasing value in our processes.

1993   AENOR Certification according to the rule UNE-EN-ISO-9002:1994  1998  AENOR Certification according to the rule UNE-EN-ISO-9001:1994 2000  AENOR Certification according to the rule UNE-EN-ISO-14000:1996 2003  AENOR Certification according to the rule UNE-EN-ISO-9001:2000 2005  Evaluation of the business management according to the model EFQM.  

With the objective of ensuring the product conformity, ELT has installed a quality control system in all the manufacturing cycle:  purchasing, production processes and final product.  

All raw materials go through an approval process based on international regulations and, particularly, on our own criteria, built up as a result of years of experience. After this process, all dispatches go through reception control to guarantee they meet approval requirements.

The inspection of the manufacturing process is continuous. The manufacturing technology allows us to establish, automatically and in 100% of the products, different stages of control (process and final product), in which the fundamental electrical parameters are measured and recorded thus ensuring their correct operation. Samples from the laboratory are periodically tested to ensure their suitability, as well as to carry out the corresponding tests on the length of the life of the product.

Environmental Management:

Protecting the environment is one of ELT’s most important objectives and for this reason an Environmental Management System in accordance with regulation UNE-EN-ISO 14001 has been implanted in the factory. In this way, the environment, together with innovation and quality, has become a basic objective.

As a company integrated in the Auxiliary Devices for Lighting sector, and as a result, as a socially responsible organisation, ELT commits itself to the protection of the environment and the prevention of contamination, and has established the following objectives:

  • The compliance with legal requirements.
  • The reduction of waste.
  • The reduction of emissions and noise.
  • The recycling and reuse of materials. 
  • Optimising energy resources. This is possible thanks to the assignment of resources which steers us towards continuous improvement, improvement in product design, process development, the acquisition of materials and services which exceed those of the previous generation, and the establishment of collaboration projects and supplier selection etc…

CE Marking: For the legal sale and installation of electric and electronic devices under the scope of application of a New Approach European Directive they must bear the CE mark on them. This mark stands for “European Compliance” and implies that the product is in conformity with the requirements of all the European Directive of application.

All ELT products bear the CE mark and the corresponding declarations of conformity thereto are available upon request; in consequence, luminaires bearing the CE mark are equally guaranteed to comply with all legal requirements regarding ELT products.

The WEEE and ROHS Directives

Environmental protection has become an important issue in all walks of life. The rapid increase in the generation of waste electrical and electronic equipment, and of the hazardous substances contained in it, is of growing concern. With a view to solving the issue, two directives have so far been approved by the European Parliament and European Commission, namely the WEEE and RoHS.

Directive 2012/19/EU of 4 July 2012 on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) aims to reduce the amount of WEEE and to encourage its re-use, recycling and other means of recovery that provide an overall reduction in the amount of end waste. Likewise, it also strives to optimise the capabilities of waste management enterprises.

Directive 2011/65/EU of 8 June 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) requires that lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chrome, and a number of other substances be eliminated from electrical and electronic equipment.

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